Thursday, March 25, 2010


Why is it in life, that when a door opens for us, we so often slam another one shut ?

So often in my life, I have made choices - decided on an action, said something to someone, or just sat paralyzed doing or saying nothing - that rip the rug out from under whatever success or happiness I've managed to find.

I don't have an answer - this isn't that type of posting. I'm crying out into the ethernet for someone or something to scream at me and tell me to let good happen. Let happiness flow. Step out of the way, and let it wash over you. Stop trying to make it happen. Be aware of life as it comes to you and take it as it comes - stop trying to script it. Laughter and jokes do not make happiness. Real laughter is a result of happiness.

Sometimes, realization is a bitch. Perception is reality. Think first. Ramble last.

To all of you I've hurt - oh I pray you will forgive me. I to you will freely do the same...not that you'll ever need it.

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