Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Love & Music

Love. Music.

The lives of two people run along together, following a melody that can change from brooding to light-hearted and back. Or linger through a single theme or mood for an entire piece. Perhaps a melancholy sound suggesting introspection while gazing at the leaves of fall, or a bright spirited piece reminiscent of giggling while playing hooky on a beautiful spring day.

The song of love may start and stay as a soft, leisurely adagio. Comfortable. Familiar. Continuous. Or it may escalate into a crescendo of emotions, then suddenly fall off and fade. The possibilities and combinations, like songs, are countless.

The common usage of the word "vibes" in modern vernacular is most often used to describe the comfort level between people, such as "I had a good vibe about Charlie". The syncopation of "vibrations" between two people defines the relationship. So what the heck does this have to do with music and love ?

All musical instruments - in one way or another, depend on vibrations to create sound. Percussion, strings and wind instruments create sound waves by vibrating the air around them, and the speed of the vibration determines the note. When a chord is struck, different strings vibrate at different speeds, and when the notes are complimentary, produce a beautiful , resonant sound. When two of the same notes are struck together, even in different octaves, their vibrations feed off of each other, sustaining the vibrations and notes longer than two different ones.

Now think of friendship, or romance. Two people meet, and at first, they are each playing their own notes, tying to find a common melody. Attempting to match tempo and mood. Eventually, they hit some common notes together. Perhaps randomly at first, but steadily more and more commonalities are discovered, and melodies merge into a new theme, parts familiar to each but new as one. When they are together, their vibrations seem to merge, minds and bodies echoing each other, the harmony is palpable, words and emotions flow like a waterfall symphony.

Music. Love. Harmony.

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